Tuesday 13 September 2011


This is just a quick message to say that my blog is under construction, by my own home D.I.Y Which doesnt stretch very far in the computer department. I am, however, quite handy when it cmes to home D.I.Y. Having been living alone for a year and a half now, I've really got the hang of flat packed furniture, putting things up at a quirky angle, making holes in the wall then painting over them, and banging things until they fit. I have my very own 'man draw'...batteries and a spanner and elastic bands, tape measure.

Dad sometimes likes to come and help me by swooshing the tape measure around and flicking me with it. Get the job done quicker on my own so dont ask anymore.

Anyway, I am going off on a tangent, and this isnt really a quick note anymore.

Basically, I have 2 blogs. One which I started a couple of years back when I was quite unwell, and this one. I am trying to combine both i'nto one blog, and changing the layout to fit. This blog will be In Laura`s Locket. Named so because I wear a Locket, sometimes I get called Laura Locket, and also because I think of a locket as a heart, maybe with a key, and this writing thing is sort of like in my heart, and Im just typing it out and sort of putting the key together.

Anyway, I dont expect this temporary work being undertaken will bother anyone very much, if anyone at all. I can't really imagine why anyone would want to waste their time reading it.

But I do have one reader, Willie. A fellow cat lover, Willie left me a few comments. I just wanted to say Thanks Willie, for stopping by and noting my existance. I would comment back but I haven't worked out how to do that yet.

And Willie, I wanted to ask you...are you really 100 and a half years old? If you have indeed endured life on this planet for a century, seeing in your photos that you still have a big smile, sort of fills me with hope.

Also, do you find it embarassing having a name like 'Willie'? It sounds a bit rude doesnt it!? Just wondering.

Basically, this is a short message to say, Willie, my one and only reader and person who might be bothered, dunno if the blog will be working its under maintanence until Ive finished faffing round with it.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Oh! You do make me chuckle....!
AND....I do love reading your Blog. If you keep writing and showing pics of your Putty-Tats, l'll keep reading and looking....! :).
No! l'm not a 100. You see, a young lady friend, Ally, who went to school with my daughter, suggested, 3yrs ago, when l was given the first computer l had, that a should have a Blog. So, she did it all for me, she interviewed me, l provided the photos, and her brother Richard did the music. But, l did managed to do my own Profile. And, it's had nearly 30,000 viewings in three years....
But, l'm a bit lazy with it all, if l want anything downloaded, on CD or on my iPod l ask Ally....! :).
And, yes.....I love to smile, and have a laugh, not easy sometimes, but then there have been things in my life, that have kept me happy and sane.....Pussy-Cats for one....I love'em to bits.....! :0).
Anyway, must get on.....You take care now....
Hope to see some photos of your furry loved ones, again soon...!
Be Gooood.....Think Pink.....! :0).

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Oh! Goooodness......
Forgot to say....AND...Don't laugh....Always been a Willie...! Never William or Bill (Hate Bill).
I don't really mind what people call me....As long as it's clean....And, l have 'different' names to....Three in all....! :)