Saturday 24 September 2011

My Ipod and me

I'm laying in bed on a saturday, basicaly typing my life away. been up all night not slept at all, my brain was awake, and im thinking a lot but it is ok, im cool, because Im not too cold and not too hot and nice and cosy in my flat.
got my cats.

I laid awake last night and managed to figure out the mening of life, which I have forgotten now as it became quite complex so I wont bore you with the details.

so its quarter to 11 on a saturday afternoon and i planned to be heading out soon because its good for someone whos a bit agoraphobic and unaerobic to go out from time to time, and live some life, but i think I'll do that later.

Later on today i will make sure i go out and Im going to go to the lbrary again, and mayb will make some friends? And I like to see what there books are about, and its a nice little walk, and it gets me out. And I will be brave and pop downstairs to see my neighbour and havvacuppa and a chat, and be a friend and lend a hand because then i will have done my good deed for the day and can hopefully go to bed tonight and get a bit of shut eye.

Its tempting to go to sleep right now but its best to stay awake, I could lay down and rest my head but this would be a mistake.... You see if i go to sleep right now I wont wake up for ages, not until later this evening which will mean another night all out of sorts, which isnt probably right, really

At the end of the day im not an owl, im not nocturnal, and normal people sleep at night. And if i lay here dozing then start my day much later, the library will be closing and i might run out of paper from writing too much or scribbling stuff, because that is how i like to deal with stuff..

I have got my ipod on, on shuffle- thats the best. it is a bit like picnmix i think, you just dont know whats coming next. and sometmes its a happy song or groovy boppin tune, and sometimes it is rock and roll or pop or rhythmic blues. Sometimes songs are sad and strike a chord with me. And I can play chords on the piano sometimes perfectly. If I had one, which I do not. But I wish I had a piano because although i cant read music and dont really know the buttons, my fingers can play with what i am feeling.....and i dont know if it would sound much good to anybody else, but i like to make tunes up with myself. And i like to watch my fingers move up and down and tinker on a piano.
But basically i often feel that the ipod shuffle is connecting with me telapathically, like the tune is always just right just then, apart from now, when Bob The Builder has come on. I dont know why this crud is even on my ipod, bacause its not even a proper song, and now ive even put it on my blog. How embarassing. and Im pretty sure it shouldnt be contaminating my playlist like this and making things all wrong. Skip. Next Song... crap. crap. skip. Next...crap. So basically, I'm talking crap because we dont always have connectivity me and my lovely jubbly ipod suffley and me. But now and then, it talks to me.

Sometmes I like to listen, and sometimes i like to sing along in my head. sometimes I like to sing along out loud, and pretend im a popstar, in a bed, using a pen as a little microphone...i think everybody pretends to do this sometimes when the're at home?

Sometimes i like to feel the lyrics, or try to write them down...but most of all i like it as background music to drown aout my very random thoughts, and im not really listening but it just seems to calm things down, i suppose because the outside noise makes the inner noise less loud.

Bert is climbing under the duvet and clawing at my foot, and Ernie is climbing up the curtain like Tarzan and swinging off the curtain rail and about to make the leap of faith from my second floor window and plummet to his death, but luckily the windows closed so no need to hold your breath. He's safe and sound, safe and round now skidding on the floor. He's having a ride on a Polly Pocket, u know those shiny things what go in a folder to look after your paper and make you look oranized. but I am so disorganised and my plastic pockets are not organised at all. They are scattered on the floor, and i cant even really remember how they go there anymore. but those things have a habit of sliding out of places if you ever dropped a handful and then tried to pick them up, they tend to slide about everywhere and you never get much luck.

But as far as a Kitten who thinks that hes Tarzan is concerned, PPs are the best game ever, the slippier the better, you run and leap, then slip and slide and ride along and get to places quicker. You can use it like a glides along the floor and you look a total ledge! And now his brother is joining to play, and theyre havin a race on thier pollyplastic roller skates and surfin about all over the place. Looks great fun. Be great if they could clear it up too.

My room is a disgrace. i should really tidy up, i'll write that on my list. My list which would probably take longer to read from start to finish, than it would to do a simple task, such as 'put out the rubbish', but i tend to remember to do these things, then get up to do it.
Then get up and forget what i was doing, so thats why i like to write it down, which probably isnt right but thats just what im like.

But anyway, the boys are curled up now by my feet and my ipods shufflin a chilled out beat, some David Gray, to sail away, the verve, bitter Sweet symphony...i told you my ipod talks to me, that rhymed and thats true and it fits you see!

Perfect timing in this moment right now, what a lovely day...
but like I said ive not really got up yet, and the day is just beginning. so in a moment this moment will be gone and i will get up and i wil move on and do somethings off my list and the things i mentioned earlier, and i need to get up....and it might all go tits up from here but then again it might be ite. but then again like i said, it might just all go right tits up... we`ll just hav to roll the dice and hope for luck, so wish me cheer and a day that good, and i wish you the same if you have read up to here, because i take my hat off to you for obviously having nothing better else to do and therefore wasting your time reading my twaddle, but if you stopped by....Here's to wish you a lovely day.
And I am not in fact actully wearing a hat so i cannot take it off, but I meant it in the metaphorical sense.
So here i go the ipod flow, getting up, off i go im off to start the day...but not actual as i was typing it when i said it then, but im gonna go now.. bye:-)

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