Sunday 25 September 2011

Finding Home

Today has been a productive day. Ive rearranged my furniture, which i tend to do a lot when things just dont feel right, to try and make them feel more righter.

And since i moved here 9 months ago it hasnt really felt like home, but now its starting to feel so much brighter, my load feels lighter. The cats make it much more homely, and ive put things where i want them to be.

No need to rearrange again, and hopefully the urge will keep at bay, this is where i want things to stay.
If i want to do art and be creative and well, i must do it myself, so I've basically made my lounge into an office. But it is also still a lounge because theres a sofa and a tv and a rug, to make me feel at home.

And gone through my crap and put out what i need to be able to type and write and read jot stuff down, and also have sketchpad and pencils around, and got my ipod in its dock, and found the remote control for it.
Ive made myself a computer desk, by putting together the furniture i had into the ideal shape, that creates the illusion of an airy space.

Desk facing the window to look outside, cats curled up on thier bed beside. Have paintbrushes and watercolours, and paper to paint pictures on when the mood arises.
So now I have no excuse not to do things I want to do,  to be an artist or a writer, or maybe study to be a kick-ass-super-hero-kung-fu fighter, because i can get it on with it now.

instead of just sitting in my flat and feeling out of place,  this is now my space to be me, and i can be free. And its strange that simply by having a rearrange has made me feel, its time for change.

It's a beautiful sunday afternoon and I'm taking control of my life :-)

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