Tuesday 20 September 2011


I think, that inside my head, somewhere, is a very sensible and balanced and switched on brain. This is my Me-ness.

This brain gets confused with my other not so good brain Its just really swooshed and mushed with a lot of crap that makes it very complicated and confusing and blurry. It cant think straight. it makes my Me brain not even think straight because its all squiggly and wriggling round and caught up and foggy. Neither of these brains work in time with what the other one is thinking or sometimes how Im feeling or what she is doing or saying.
Sometimes, though, when Im either Arting or Writing, my sensible normal Me brain can come out and it always feels a lot better afterwards.

I also think I think too much, and so does she, and I dont think there is a cure for that. I have tried thinking less but then all I can think about is that I am trying not to think and that I have to keep telling my thoughts to leave me alone, and I think of ways to make it stop, which just results in more thinking. A vicious cycle.

It would be good if I could use my thinking powers to think of something really good that no-ones ever thought of before. Maybe if i could think of a way to stop people from overthinking, and invent a little button that does the trick. I would be a squillionaire. And then I would think very hard about how to best spend my earnings to save the world, and I think I would still not be able to think of the answer.

Why are my thoughts talking so much inside my head and coming out through my fingers when I type? Stop thinking Laura, and go away brains. Shut. up.

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