Tuesday 13 September 2011

Tuesday Morning

Woke up to the razor sharp bite of Bert lovingly chewing my toes.
Have messages on my phone.
Gina my support lady is coming round shortly. panicking. should i get dressed? do i need to tidy up? what am I going to say?

See, here`s the thing. i am totally fine when its just me and the boys, at home, door locked, a bit of this and that. Minus the M.E, which i`ll tallk about another time when i can be bothered, i can function pretty well with a relatively sunny outlook on things.

It`s only when i have to go out, talk to people, make conversation, be seen in public, have to communicate, that i really really struggle.

The frustrating thing is, i could just chill out and accept that i am an agoraphobic, highly paranoid, slightly barmy cat lady. i could quite happily sit under my blanket, drink tea, do some knitting and have afternoon naps. Why do we need to be in touch with reality if we`re happier in our own little worlds? and who gets to say what is normal and what is not? am content feeling safe in my home.

But i can`t just let myself be like this. I know deep down, that for me, this isnt normaal. this is not what i wanted out of life. Because i know that i never used to be like this. when i am well, i love life, exploring, going out, socialising.I wnt to live. I want to len and try things. I don want to sit at home and stare at the wall.

So i need to remember how to be me again.. it would be so easy to just lay down and accept that life is easier this way, hiden. but i dont want to get to the end of my life and realise i hve just wasted it, doing nothing. being nobody.

i want to be somebody!

so i`m going to get up, get dressed, go out today, like a normal, functioning, 20 year old young lady.

Maybe after Gina`s come though. she`ll be here in 10 minutes and we all know it takes me about an hour to actually move and dress myself.

Bert has just demolished a mini fluffy pink pom pom for the second day in a row. was part of my extra soft fleecy dressing gown that says `cheeky monkey` on it. Didnt really like those pom pom bits anyway. Not much of a fluffy pink firl to be honest. Strands of pink fluff everywhere though. could get the hoover out now, but think I`ll just wait til he`s demolished my slippers as well and then vaccuum; kill two birds with one stone, as they say. its a silly saying really, as I`ve never killed a bird. or thrown a stone at a bird, let alone two. i dont think of this as a very nice thing to do.
i used to be vegetarian, for about 5 years. but now i eat chicken, and bacon and sometimes sausages and ham. i dont know why this is relevant, apart from to say that i don`t generally agree with the uneccessary killing of animals, unless they are a ginormous spider which deserve to die a horrible death. but on the whole, i would describe myself as an aminal lover. sometimes i still pretened i am vegetarian, just because i think it makes me sound a bit cooler. But between you and me, you cant beat a bacon sandwhich with a bit of ketchup on a Sunday morning.

Today is Tuesday morning. I am going to stop typing now and sort my life out.

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