Tuesday 13 September 2011


I often get so wound up and sad when my head starts screwing up and my stomach ties in knots and the blanket of solitude descends on my soul, like a dementor in Harry potter (J.K.Rowling,You Legend)

I have taught myself a little trick that helps me keep going. I remember all the things I am lucky to have. Here's a little exercise you can try...Dont forget the good things.

For instance, I have a home, I have a comfortable bed, I have 2 lovely kittens, i have hot water at the tap, I have a really snuggly dressing gown.

Now you do it...

On my darkest days, when I lose hope, when I give up, When the pain wells up in the pit of my stomach and I can't control it anymore. I take a moment to remember how lucky I am. When it feels like life is slipping away from me,  body aches too much too move, head is too loud to open my eyes and I can't think of anything that will make it go away. When Im lonely because the friends i used to have are at uni, or travelling, Or working or have fallen in love, as life goes on, and mine has come to a temporary holt that is lasting much longer than I ever anticipated and Im scared i will be stuck here forever, I rememer Im a lucky girl, really.

Did you know that if you have a home to sleep in tonight and have eaten today, you are one of the most fortunatest 10% of the population in the planet.

There are hundreds of thousands of hungry people, children dying from diseases that could be cured, People homeless, right up the street from you.
There are lots of people hurting and crying and feeling alone.

It makes me really sad. Like Ouch in my chest sad.
I wish I could do something about it, if I ever knew how. If I could get on with real life and make a difference. Live a life of purpose, not just remain detatched and feel that my life is slipping away from me.

Maybe I will put my idea to The Government. Though Ive forgotton what the idea was now.

but the point of this exercise was not to make you think about all the sad things, because that will just make you sadder. But realise all the good things you have in your life.

And I dont mean relish in the knowing that you have a massive 538" plasma Tv with sky plus and your neighbour only has an average tv with freeview.

Jst be thankful. And make a mental note to bring this joy to someone else one day.

whatever you are facing in this moment, however desperate you feel, however lost and sad and hopeless, ill or old or achey, broken..just remember that this moment will pass.

They always do. And each of these moments will build your soul stronger. And if one person reads this and breathes a sigh of relief that they are not alone, then i will be satisfied that the time I have just spent waffling will not be entirely unnoticed.

In short, My pearl of wisdom for today: Be thankful
I've found it helps to keep you positive :)

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