Today I have done something very exciting and productive and grown-up. I registered at the Library which means I am now an official member of the smart people's club.I have a nice shiny card that that I only have to zap on a scanner thing to have knowledge at my finger tips.
I thought I might try and go along a few times a week to educate myself and get out and maybe meet people. Also thought I might start blogging at the library, for a change of scenery. My plan is that this will make me get up and washed and dressed and then walk to the library and write and then go home. A bit like getting up at a normal time and heading to work.
As I am signed off work since the medical man said I was 'unfit' (despite me wanting to prove otherwise), I thought this would be a good way to ease my way gently back in to the working world. I can just do a few hours as and when I can, which I think I can cope with. To be fair, I know I cant work 9 til 5 just yet. Mostly because I cant stay awake that long. Also because it terrifies me. But at least I know I am making small steps towards eventually being able to hold down a job, rather than sitting at home in my dressing gown, with my cats, being the pathetic smelling of wee bearded cat lady that i am.
I had a look at the books, which there are a lot of at the Library. I thought I might do a bit of reading, to broaden my vocabulary and educate my brain and stuff. To be Honest I find reading really difficult! I find writing easier. When I read the words they wriggle round on the page and my eyes get really heavy, and I get half way through a sentence and forget the start of it. But practice makes perfect.
I have borrowed 4 books that caught my eye on briefly flicking through. I am going to try and read them, and more importantly, retain the information.
They are:
- 'What you believe Creates Your Reality' by Maggie Currie
Chosen because I like the cover of it, which, as you can see, looks like a cork board with post-it notes on it and a picture of a flower and a bumble bee, and I like bumble bees and post-it notes. Also because it looks to be easy reading with some practical tips that might help me believe some more positive things and therefore making my reality much happier, according to the title.
- 'The Woman Who Thought to Much' by Joanne Limburg
Primarily because I like the title. I am pretty sure this is a book I will be able to relate to. On a brief flick through, it seems I could have in fact possibly written this book. I didnt, but I had to double check the author in case I had indeed written it and forgotten about it.
It's always nice to find something that makes you realise its not just you who's weird. The front cover has a cup of coffee, a pencil with a broken nob, and a prescription with some pills. This pretty much looks like my table at home. I am looking forward to reading this book.
- 'Blogging Heroes- Interviews with 30 of the World's Top Bloggers'
Thought this would inspire me to be a better bloggerer and widen my knowledge of how to and how not. Saw a mention of Post Secret upon flicking through, which is mostly why I liked this book.
For anyone who has never heard of 'PostSecret', shame on you. These books are THE BEST. Its an art project where a guy called Frank Warren got people to anonymously write their secrets on a postcard and send them to him. This has resulted in a vast and beautiful gallery of real people's happy things, sad things, hidden secrets and untold stories. Some of the postcards will make you laugh and some will make you cry.
These are my bestest most favourite books ever; Opening one is always a good way to get inspiration and keep going, and something I like to do when I dont know what else to do. I discovered PostSecret about 5 years ago, and now have the whole collection on my bookshelf. That's 4 books in total. But theres lots more on the website and they ge updated all the time.
- 'Change Your Brain Change Your Life, The Breakthrough Programme for Conquering Anger, Anxiety, Obsessiveness and Depression' by some geezer called Dr Daniel Amen
Not even gonna bother with a picture of this because the cover is basically just a massive amount of writing, which looks a bit gay.
This book sounds like a bundle of laughs. Changing my brain and my life is something that would probably be good. The concise title appealed to me.
Dunno if this one might be a bit complicated and waffly...I wont bother reading it if it will take longer to read it than to actually change my life.
Think I will just have a look and maybe take some snippets of good advice, such as this: "Sing and hum whenever you can"- page 308, and this "Use paradoxical requests in dealing with cingulate people", which sounds like very good advice, except I only understand 6 words out of the 8 words in that sentence, so I probably wont put it into practice. Hmmmm..."Learn to Breathe Properly", that sounds useful.
So those are the books I got at the library and I am going to read or pretend to be reading them, so will let you know if I learn anything worth knowing. I hope you enjoyed my mini book reviews on the books that I havnt read yet. I know you shouldnt judge a book by its cover but lets face it if the covers crap then the book probably is too. See the Bible for example, the cover is really boring. That is just my personal opinion ofcourse.
Nuff said.
You've certainly coming a long, Laura, in such a short time....Well done.....!
And, you've chosen some lovely books to...Keep you busy....
Oh! you did'nt tell us what books, Bert and Ernie are reading yet....! Care Bears perhaps....?
And, yes the bible is a bit drab...The film was a lot better...! :0).
Take Care now.....!
Perhaps you ought to pop down Trinity St. Go into Argos and get them a.....Catalogue.....!!!!! :).
And...Bert with a banana....The mind boggles...! :0). Lovely....
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