Thursday 24 November 2011


It makes such a difference to start the day in a happy way...

I did wake up on time this morning. I did remember that i wanted to go to yoga. I did still want to go to yoga. I could not get up, my body was too heavy....But my lovely neighbour Hollie and SuperBaby Florence saved the day!

Had the secret password knock on the door at 8.30, from my neighbour Wise Hollie. So I puuuulllleeeddd myself outof bed and spyed out my spy hole and saw a GIANT BABY staring at me and grinning with 1 tooth...I panicked a bit, and then realised that it was just Wise Hollie holding baby Flo up to the door.

So I unchained and unlocked and it was so lovely to see a lovely smiling friend and a lovely regular sized baby smiling in the morning. So i shuffled back across the corridor and had a morning coffee with my neighbours :-)

Turns out Hollie had read my blog and seen I was trying to get up for yoga and kindly decided to help. This random act of Kindness really helped me this morning. Im going to try and start doing mor of them, as it can really cheer up someones day. Thank you wise Hollie...I didnt know you had been reading my blog! And now your random act of kindness has been documented forever.. Thanks for bein my friend
Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty

Today has been goid because i did get up. I made it to yoga only a teeny bit after half 9. Unforunately the group wasnt running because only 2 people turned up incuding me, but thats besides the point because I made it!!
Instead I went to TFF to see how Billy was doing. He seems to have made good progress overnight, i hope somebody probably fed and watered him. looking good, Ive put him with his new family of other reindeer looking out the window, they all look so cheeky stood in a line, When I find the clicky thing Im looking for I will be able to put a picture up.

Im not In The ZOne anymore my brains a bit slow, so cant remember what else I was gonna say but Im going to have a rest now and stroke my kittys because i cant write....

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