Wednesday 30 November 2011

The Mirror

The invisible soul was crying to break free
the little girl peered in the glass gingerly
a woman stared back, her eyes became me
The three of us stopped and my heart skipped a beat
The little girl and the woman became complete
The little girls skin was broken and scarred
The woman in the mirror held dreams in the stars
The pressure on the little girls chest was lifted
She started to breathe, her lungs less constricted
The woman looked friendly, her smile was warm
The invisible soul became calm in its storm
Three souls clicked into place for a moment
And they breathed together, deeply
The invisible soul flowed in and out freely
The girl smiled meekly, the lady stood strong
But as the girl went to touch her, the woman was gone
The girl felt lonely and fearful and wrong.
The little girl hated her ugly reflection
She hated her body and imperfections
And would look in a mirror with shame and rejection
The lady she saw had meaning, direction
Thier hearts beat together in a pulsing connection
She peered in the glass and was met by her gaze
She searched for her soul in the fog and the haze
Until everything became a blur
Then the Little girl realised the woman was her..

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