Tuesday 11 October 2011

The Puffin

I got a nice card in the post today.
I dont normally bother to open my post...its normally just an unneccesary bill that i cant afford to pay or a silly boring form to fill out or something equally as depressing.
But today when I opened my post box, which annoyingly is right at the top of the post boxes, and I have to stand on my tippy toes to look in there....but anyway today i found a teeny tiny cute little envelope on there with some familiar scrawly handwriting on. This sort of post in nice post.

I especially like these mini cards, because I like to pretend i am a giant when holding it. you can also play this game with those little finger skateboards, party pizzas, and those little champagne bottles that blow bubbles that you get at weddings. Though i wouldnt advise doing this at a wedding.

Inside the baby envelope i found a baby card with a picture of a pelican on the front, with a very lovely multi coloured beak. Like this:

I thought it was nice, and then upon read inside  learnt that this is not a pelican but a puffin. I like puffins now.

You may think this is a very random thing to get in the post, since I do not have a history of bird watching, a fascination for puffins, or even knowledge that they exsited. I am also not celebrating the opening of a new wildlife park and it is not my birthday or christmas and that is when you usually get nice cards in the post.

But considering this card is from my lovely nice friend Abnormal Andrew, it is randomly in trend with other things he has sent me in the past, such as a doodle of a monkey for my birthday, and a story called Harry Potter and the Magic Sausage.

I havnt known Andrew for long, I met him last christmas eve in the pub for a mutual friends birthday. He likes computers and gadgets and  photography, and he is a bit silly like how I am a bit silly. We randomly just stayed in touch and he pops in to see me when he's down and every so often we speak on the phone and discuss life or send random things in the post. I must admit he is better at sending things to me than I am at getting back to him, sorry about that Andrew. 

Abnormal Andrew has become a good friend to me, and I have tried to be a friend to him. He is very thoughtful and it makes me feel a little bit guilty that he is so thoughtful and I mostly remember to get back to him only when he sends me these silly things...because otherwise my head feels overcrowded and falls off, i forget things. But anyway, thanks Abnormal Andrew, I hope you dont mind me calling you that, i just like alliteration and I mean it in a really nice way. You are a good and lovely person. Altruistic Andrew. its nice to make friends.:-)

But anyway, inside the card it says "I saw this and thought of you. That's not to say you look like a puffin but I think if you were a bird you would have a very colourful beak. Perhaps even more colourful than a puffin's beak. I will send you some videos of puffins on Facebook".

I like this a lot, I like that someone think of me as colourful. and the puffin is nice. I love colours, I like art because I love putting colours together. I used to like wearing my multi coloured hair band, just because I liked rainbows...and it wasnt until my mid teens that i A.) realised these bright colours made me more noticeable, which was the opposite to what I wanted to be doings...I just really like the colours, and B.) that the rainbow symbol is association with gayness...

I just couldnt understand why the girls at school kept telling people i was a lesbian, since a lesbian is somebody (usually a woman) who is interested in another woman. And since I had never had a girlfriend, had never shown an interest in lady love or ever claimed to be a lesbian, I guess it was the rainbow hairband that gave these people the right to spread rumours about my sexuality. Or maybe just because i got bored talking about boys and wasnt crazy about them and liked to focus my energies on other things, like walking my dog or swimming or riding my bike or worrying excessively about cleanliness or calories or doing my schoolwork. If you are a 14 year old girl who prefers music over men, books over boys, or wizards instead of willy's, and likes to wear comfy shoes instead of heels, then this, obviously, automatically and undoubtedly, means that you are a homosexual.

Except to be honest I was too busy with other things to have even given a thought to whether or not I found men or women attractive. I preoccupied with other things. But thanks for deciding for me and spreading rumours and making my last few years of school miserable, by the way. That was great.

In hindsight, I wish I had known then what i know now. I wish I had had the guts to tell them to piss off, and express my views on gayness. Which is, that its ok, and why should it matter to anyone else anyway, and why is sexuality something to judge a person by. Even though Im still not sure if I would have the guts to voice my opinion, in real life I mean, out loud.

 I personally think of it like this: Some people are right handed, some people are left handed. Some people are academic, some people are practical. Some people are loud, some are quiet. Some people are gay. Some people are straight. ... And its all ok.. and if everyone just accepted everyone things would run much more smoothly...and that its really not an issue. I hope my opinion does not offend anybody. 

I personally have decided that I dont care whether the person who I want to spend most time with or have feelings for is male or female...its the person inside that matters. Maybe this does make odd? or maybe just greedy. For the record I have only ever had boyfriends, most short-lived. 

But the fact is it doesnt bother me so it shouldnt bother anyone else, who I am. Everyone has the right to just be them, thank you very much. And I dont feel the need to label myself, I'll just go with the flow, c'est la vie etc.

Why is everyone so interested in everyone else? And why should people worry about wearing a colourful hairband if that is what they like? Why cant people just mind thier own business and stop judging everyone...by colour, or sexuality. or religion, or whether they are fat or thin or a completely bonkers bearded cat lady ... why not just let people be happy, and let them live thier own lives? 

Anyway, back to the puffin card, it got me thinking, if you could be any animal, what would you be?
I would find it hard to choose. I would love to be a monkey, since they are a lot like people, only less 'ohgod oh god the neighbours are poppin round in a min and the place is a mess', or 'i need to have at least 4 shiny cars and be powerful and important and wear an expensive suit' or 'yehmate im so hard init dont messwiv mebruv'...they only care about the sleeping and eating and having a laugh and monkeying around, without the stress of the things that have got more complicated since evolving into something (a human) who likes to make life so much more complicated than it need be.

I would like to be a bird, so i could fly very fast. I have always wanted to fly. I used to try it in the playground, imagining my arms were wings and believing that if I wished hard enough and flapped a bit more i would fly far away. and then jumping off the bench and grazing my knee....I even tried collecting some feathers and holding them in each hand, but i was never a successful flyer. And if i was a bird, i think I would like to be the puffin, because its cute and can get away with its colourful beak without being stereo typed as gay.

I would love to be a dolphin, so that I could glide through the water, and have my little dolphin family and squeak to each other and bathe in the med.

Looking at my 2 smelly cats right now, i would quite like to be a cat. They really have it very cushdy. Cuddled up to each other fast asleep, nice and warm, hogging the sofa all to themselves. They always get fed and dont worry about gettin fat, they do naughty things with no sense of shame, and have no qualms about just doing exactly what they please even when I tell them off. They just ignore me, or stare at me indignantly with no sense of remorse. They get lots of cuddles and find everything fun to play with. I would like to be a Bernie. 

Livin the high life...bromance

I also like being a person, sometimes. 

If you could be any animal, what would you most like to be? 


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Lovely post Laura....! Lovely....!

There's only one animal l'd want to be.....A Cat....If l had a choice, a Tiger....Love'em to bits....! :).
But, don't start me off....I'll be writing for ever...

Just look at your two lovely boys there....Ah! Bless! xx.

Andrew Gillett said...

Maybe a mole. Life underground sounds quite simple and straightforward.