Thursday 27 October 2011


I've been meaning to blog for days about lots of things, but the problem seems to be that i have milllions of brilliant ideas but forget them very quickly, and also cant decide which one to do.
I have about 6 different pieces of half finished art on the go, and lots of half written blog posts. I want to do a massive painting on a canvas, play my guitar, learn some new songs, write some songs, blog, write poetry, try my hand at some new crafts, read through the pile of books that is my reading list, and also hang out with friends. Ive also been making litlte videos of Bert and Ernie, called the Adventures of Bert and Ernie.
Maybe Ive gone a bit loopy, but it feels good so who cares?
Just need to be able to focus a bit. Just to say, dont panic, I have not abandoned my blog or got writers block. The opposite actually. The words keep flowing through my head I just havent been too good at writing them down, or when i do i cant write quick enough. But its ok, I can totally bring it together. Will post some pics and poems soon and get back onto the bloggering. SMILE :-D

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