Tuesday 18 October 2011

Super Glue

Accidentally superglued fingers together so shuffled out of flat and across hallway in my cat lady slippers to see if the wise neighbour and beautiful friend Hollie could rescue me from this disaster.

Apart from 3 left fingers and a thumb and 5 of right fingers being stuck together, it was actually a very good thing that I had this stroke of bad luck at this particular moment.

I did the secret knock as best I could with my elbow on Hollie's door, and when she opened it, I felt really sad.

Incase you were wondering, my fingers are now unstuck and recovering from their trauma. It would be tragic if they were stuck together forever...no more typing, no more drawing, writing, guitaring, painting, piano. Always appreciate your fingers.

Hollie said she was fine but her eyes were bleary and she looked sad. And as I have been meaning to catch up with Wise Hollie for over a week, I thought what a lovely coincidence it was that she should need a friend just as I knocked on the door, and that somethin gave me the kick up the bum to pop round and be one. The universe wanted me to.

So I sat her down and told her to spill. She shared a little bit of her sadness, and like they say a problem shared is a problem halfed.

I am not always good at offering advice, but at least I can make people smile. I said i know what will cheer you up, look at this, ive superglued my hands together.

And then we laughed, and then we chatted and had dinner and a glass of wine and a few cigarettes, and all in all I am very glad I managed to superglue my fingers together (though I wouldnt advise trying it). And we got some paper and oilpastels and did some creative recoveryness together.

Today I have learnt that Shit happens but you just gotta keep going, and something good will come along. Dont focus on the things that go wrong, focus on the things that go right. And you cant have one without the other...the good side of having felt the blows of depression and utter despair and harrowing lonliness and wanting nothing more than to just shrivel up and die....is that when you have a good day, is that when good things start to happen, they feel a million times gooder than they would have without the pain.

And that is the only 1 reason that depression is and will ever be good for..otherwise it is completely shit and best not to go there. Not that anyone chooses to...but i think when your in it you can choose to either roll with it or fight it. Its taken me a long long time to have the strength to do this.

I planned to have an early night, my head is really heavy and my body slowed right down, but my mind is buzzing. But I am going to take my bedtime pills and go sleep now.

And its been a good day, which you should always appreciate. And I am looking forward to TFF tomorrow. It is nice to be looking forward to things instead of dreading them and hoping I'll die before the morning. Very nice indeed.

I am on my way to a life of wellness, sooo gonna get better, i am feeling strong. Remember that super glue is also strong, and always be thankful for your fingers.

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