Wednesday 12 October 2011

Jammin at TFF

i have just got in from a good day at The Funny Farm. Today i did some more cutting stuff out of magazines and sticking and started a collage and i went to see the goats. i also brought in my guitar, so we had a bit of a jammin sesh.

With my beginners book for beginners i can play Imagine by John Lemon, its only 3 chords. so we sang along to that. Then tried Seasons in the Sun....which turned into "we had joy we had fun we had fingers up our bum"...crazy people are fun.

I even managed to get up and showered and out the door this morning without too much difficulty. Things are lookin goood. Nackered now though.

Bert and Ernie have been banished from my bedroom, since Bertie keeps weeing on my bed..not nice. I am always quite excited to see them again when i come home, they, however, are still having a strop from not being able to sleep on my bed.

Will make up for it by giving them a cuddle on the sofa...a good excuse to have a little rest now.

(Ta Ta For Now)

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