Thursday 20 October 2011


Today I have wasted most of the day losing my phone and then trying to find it again.

Im not normally too bothered about my phone, but i just had it in my hand and i havnt left the flat and then it has vanished. And Suddenly I felt like i needed to find my phone incase there was an emergency.

I looked in all the obvious places, on the sofa i was sitting on and under every cushion, in my bed, in the cupbards, washing machine, oven, fridge, bin, microwave, anywhere that I may have been likely to put it down.

Bert and Ernie had not stolen it. But its definitely missing. I think there is a naughty ghost or something living here with me...evil spirit or something. And the bugger keeps pinching my stuff. And then I started to think that maybe I was dead and stuck somewhere between heaven and hell where i was floating about looking for my phone but would never find it because i could no longer make contact with the outside world. 

I tried to send an email to my mum to ask her to ring my phone so that it would ding a ling and help me find it. But even my email stopped working, and then i was pretty sure i was dead. I was pretty calm, considering.

But i still wanted to find my phone so i carried on faffing around. I started picking things up off the floor that shouldnt have been on the floor, and putting things back where they should be, hoping i would find my nokia in the process.
This turned out to be a good this, as I have now finally tidied my flat and cleared up a bit.
And eventually, after 6 hours, i found my phone right at the bottom of the sofa. And I had already looked there twice with a torch. Definitely a naughty ghost.

No missed calls. No Messages.

And then I wondered why I had bothered spending so long looking for it. But at least i have done some housework in the process.
And that is what I have done today.

I have also done some painting.

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