Monday 17 October 2011

Tea dunking

Totally made it to Art Therapy on time this morn. 10 points to me.
then even made it to dentist on time too.

Didnt even freak out.

Now back home, brain ticking along nicely but body too slow.
Cuppa tea.
Am f f f freezing. Cat lady has her dressing gown and slippers on with blanket and 2 cuddly cats.

Strumming on guitar. Tie a headscarf round my head, pretend I am Jimi Hendrix.

Brief episode of paranoia...are the neighbours having a secret meeting to discuss the crazy cat lady upstairs?

Tell thoughts to shut up.

Legs heavy, wrists achey. Custard Cream. Dip custard cream in tea, custard cream breaks. Examine biscuity stodge in mug. Consider writing a complaint...these Custard Creams just aren't hardcore enough for the average tea dunker.

Dear mr Crumble,
we cant all afford hobnobs, so why should some of us not have the privelidge of tea dunking? It took me a long time to make that cup of tea,and your biscuit runied it.

Decide there are probably bigger problems in the world. Have absent mindedly drunk tea now anyway.

Listen to ipod with tv on mute. Scooby Dooby Doo on subtitles. blogging about useless things.Notice lots of dots on floor. Need to hoover.
Add hoovering to llist of things to do.

Just having a rest now, going out later. Going to be a sociable human being and visit a friend :-) must be awake. This is a very important thing to remember if you want to be good company. Stay Awake.

Wonder if its best to have a nap now, or just keep busy so im on a roll. Cant sem to concentrate on one thing for very long.

Hands still cold (cold hands warm heart), under blanket snuggly with sleeping furry pets on lap for extra warmth.

Planning to blog about something interesting, but i dont have anything very interesting to talk about on here.

I went out at the weekend. Actual Out Out. Had been dreading it for weeks. People. Noise. Not enough energy. Paranoia. No Thank you. Agreed to go for a meal and some drinks with my friend Marie. Got to make the effort.

Had a great night!
Put some makeup on, laughed and chatted to people.

Didnt have an embarassing episode of alcohol disagreeing with medication, being sloshed on 2 drinks and waking up in a bin with a nosebleed and going home in an ambulance singing the aphabet to myself.

This has only happened once, And I am very sorry to the NHS for this disaster. But in my defence, i had just turned 18 and finally been let out of the psych least i was doing my best to fit in with everyone else my age, and it was only 2 drinks....

Something very strange has happened to me. I have realised, that I actually want some company. I want to chat to other people and have other things to think about and people to make me smile.

up until now for a long time I have just wanted to be on my own and find any company exhausting and uneccesary and too much of an effort.

But now I am only half a cat lady and the other half a sociable, functioning, custard cream dipping young woman.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Just to say.....
The Custard Creams in Morrisons are about the best....For dunking...Nice and firm....! :).
Have a lovely evening....So! Who's baby sitt'in the boys....! You can't leave them on their own with just a guitar....They won't know which string to pluck....! :0).
Have Fun.....

Laura Callaway said...

Hi willie..i have just discovered i can reply to comments. Had a good eve thanks, should be asleep now. Bert and ernie really should have had a babysitter...came back to spider plant half eaten and strewn across the floor..along with the plant soil squashed into the carpet ofcourse.. Lovely :-)

Laura Callaway said...
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