Thursday 1 December 2011

Useless Blabber

If you are reading ths blog post and think it might be interestng, i'll save you the bother and tell you now that it will probably be very boring and contain nothing useful or even remotely interesting. It wwill possibly contain something about cats and give you some useless knowledge about the life of a cat-lady, which is probably not the mos exciting sort of life to read abbobut,,, I only relly type because i like typing and it helps my head, i dont really read so i dont know if i write anything worth reading...but if i ever do then this is not going to be one of those times beacuse I am reeeeally tired

Have had a busy but good few days, now absolutely and totally exhausted, so pleased to be in the warm with my kittys and put my feet up. This is so incredibly boring but it is such a relieff,

Good few days. Have been sociable, ventured out last night and had a few drinks with some friends. It was really nice to go out and feel ok. Once Im out with people Im ok.... it is the thought of going out and getting there and getting back, and the worry of whether I will get anxious or the exhaustion is overwhelming that sometimes stops me. but once im out I can push my way through it

But I talked mysefl out of wanting to sleep and ended up enjoyig myself. Hardly slept but was up this morning to drop mum at the station and then came back to feed Bernie and then mustered up the energy to go to Whitfields. Annoyingly I had been fine fine fine until i got to TFF and for some unknown reason went a bit nervy and couldnt talk to anyone and just wanted to go home but i still had to go into town and do important grown up stuff at the bank, pop in to see Hollie and babby Flo, and then go out again to see some other friends who have kindly lent me a cat-carrier for Bernie's big day tomorrow...

The boys are getting the snip !! Am uber excited about this but they are not so. Have broken the news to them gently but they are not impressed, especially as they wolfed down their dinner and wont be getting any more food until tomoro after noon.
Am worry slightly about managing to get to the vets in time since I have to be their at 8.40.In the Morning!!! But am going to get an early night to make sure we make it, as I am unbelievable excited about hopefuly having 2 cats by tomorrow eve who dont feel the urge to piss on evrryytthhiing. Awww 'luv em.

Have put thier blanket in the cat carrier to try and coax them in so they dont play silly buggers in the morning. By the time you get one cat in the other one will have always hopped out and hidden, and this is sometimes cute but mostly very frustrating.

but anyway, am very happy to be home now in the warm near my bed with my kittys. and my head is busy but its ok because im blogging. but i feel the need to do something to keep me distracted but this is diffcult when my fingers are typing very slowly and my eyes are heavy and the screen herts my eyes.

Im going to try and ignore the inner turmoil, and rest, as the occupation thrapy lady has suggested. have been filling out my activity diary and see what she means now about my 'boom/bust' lifestyle....i get a boom of energy and then it wears off and i go bust. legs start aching, voice starts shaking, brain slooowws dowwn.

Oh Good Luck Bert and Ernie tomorrow, enjoy your last night of manhood.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

It's good to hear that Bert and Ernie are go'in for their snip Laura....!
It's for the best, believe me...!
They'll grow into lovely, clean boys, all grown up, and love there Mum to bits....You! :).

Oh! By the way, your Blogs are NEVER boring....Far from it, always look forward to reading them.....!

Take care now, and good luck with the boys tomorrow, tell us all about it soon....!

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Oh! forgot to say....Picked up on a new Blog recently....Really good read. All about a pussy cat called Jonesy.

carla said...

Helllooooo, I just wanted to say thank you for reading my blog...and thank you so much for the lovely comment. Reading above i can see it is all willies's fault, lol....and thank you to him too. I have read some of your posts and have found them very amusing and perceptive......thank you and i look forward to more. x