Monday, 2 January 2012

A Rainbow

Things seem to be going well so far this year.
I like it when it is only 2 days into a year because not much has gone wrong yet...ive remembered to took my meds proper (always forget), seen my nan and fam, helped Hollie out and she's helped me. I babysat Flo for a while this morning, she is not so sure about Bernie. But she has learnt to say 'ahhhhh' at them. They kept following her and staring at her whilst she sat and smiled and took all the cat biscuits out the cat bowl. I didnt let her eat any.

Get this.... just before Hollie and Flo and I went to tescos, we were looking out Hollie's window and she said its grey i think theres going to be hail stones...and then it started hailing stoning. so we watched, and then I said, I think theres going to be a rainbow. And because Hollie likes God I said God if you like us then you will make a rainbow.....and then there was a beautiful arch in the sky with all the glorious colours of the rainbow, red orange yellow green blue indigo and violet because I checked, basically a rainbow. It was a beaut.

Hollie thinks a rainbow is a promise from God that everything is going to be ok. I think a rainbow is a pretty thing that happened because I had the feeling that it would. But who knows. The bottom line is, rainbows are cool.
Here is a picther which dosnt really do it justice:

We done our shopping and now I have food in my cupboards and my fridge and my freezer. Cant really complain about anything. Did you know that if you have the luxury of having a supermarket up the road and food to eat, we are in the luckiest 10% of the world. So if you feel down about anything, just remember that we are lucky. Thats what I try to do anyway. And I feel pretty chipper.

It was much nicer going Tescos with someone, i get scared on my own. And I had been to the shop yesterday, but I only got cat food and cat litter and cat lady things because I forgot that I need to eat aswell.

Bernie dont let me forget that they need to eat. In future I will try to remember to buy my own food when I buy the kitty cat food, when there is a lot of meowing and an empty cupboard, this is my cue to go supermarket.

Now we have got back and lugged a baby and lots of bags up two flights of stairs (the worst thing about living in a flat), i am feeling very content to be cosily home with my boys and also a bit tired, but thats ok because its been a productive day and I saw a rainbow, and now I have my slippers on that I got with my money from santa, a nice bit of the ipod on shuffle, and Im back to the Funny Farm tomorrow where Im going to glaze my bowl i clayed. 2012 is good. And we have a promise from God or the universe or a good feeling or whatever, that things are gonna be alllll right. Hooray.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

All together now......HOOOORAY...! :)
If you buy yer kitty-cat food with yer own food.....Don't go gett'in it mixed up now....He! He!.:).
(Wonder what Whiskas on toast is like).

Laura Callaway said...

Whiskas on toast happens to be delicious... thats what the boys said anyway. STolen tea bags from the bin are apparantly quite tasty too :)